Making Bristol2Beijing Better
At the port in Azerbaijan, excited to be crossing the Caspian Sea!
I recently crossed the Caspian Sea into Kazakhstan on my way to Bukhara, Uzbekistan and the end of Leg 3 of the expedition. It has been a truly amazing time in Eastern Europe, Turkey, and the Caucasus, even if a bit longer in Baku than I had expected! So much thanks is due, as ever, to the kindness and participation of many people and new friends I happened to meet along the way. I am really grateful for my warm reception and for the wonderful hospitality of so many people!
Kazakhstan, too, has been both challenging and heartening, and I just crossed into Uzbekistan this week. The stoker seat on the tandem has been in frequent use, even if for short spurts, and the uncertainties of unpaved roads and early summer heat haven’t been easy. While the circumstances are quite different here in Kazakhstan in May, the often brutal winds remind me of the challenges I faced during my somewhat lonesome winter ride through Ukraine featured in The Road to Mariupol, a new 12-min movie by Rumsey Films.
These recent challenges are all part of the ride but, all the same, they have had me looking for a bit of assistance. Can you help?
Many people have asked how they can participate or pitch in as Chris and I make our way across the globe. We’ve accomplished some pretty amazing things with a small, all-volunteer team of family and friends. And yet, as we remain ambitious, we’re always in need of a few extra hands. We have built a list of ideas for those eager to pitch in -- contact us if you’d like to get creative!
Do you have friends or connections for me as Chris and I carry on through Central Asia? Have you got tips or ideas for reaching new audiences in this part of the world? Track where we are and where we’re going.
Cheerleading and participation. I am cycling on a tandem for a reason -- join me! You don’t have to cycle with me to put participate in what Bristol2Beijing is all about. Put on your trainers and get outside for something active -- you can even get your own Bristol2Beijing kit!
Spread the word. Share Bristol2Beijing and the CanLive message with your networks (Facebook, Instagram, Weibo). It also helps if you share the Bristol2Beijing Podcast and give us a rating wherever you get your podcasts.
Media. We have been successful at finding our way into print, video, and radio media in several parts of the world. This is one of the best ways to reach new people. Do you have ideas or connections for me and Bristol2Beijing in your country or along the expedition route?
Donate. This has been a rough year for charities, too. Our five wonderful charity partners continue to do amazing work with very tight budgets (donate to our charity partners). I have also been able to finance the trip thus far thanks to generous sponsors. Looking ahead, there is still at least a year’s worth of bicycle repairs, shipping supplies, food, lodging, and more. If you want help keep the wheels rolling please contribute via PayPal or email us.
My expedition route above is a sketch, subject to change, because it’s not realistic to know precisely how and when I may be able to get from place to place.
Follow my journey more accurately via my GPS tracking system
Sport club connections. Are you connected to any cyclists, outdoor clubs, or adventure groups in any of the countries along the expedition route? I could use some help making contact with people who want to get active with me!
Offers of accommodation. I am doing a lot of camping, but a guest room, shower, and a good conversation is always welcome.
Schools and universities. I am eager to share the CanLive message with young people as I travel (I also speak Russian!). Do you have connections or ways to introduce me to a receptive audience of students?
Changemakers. I have been so impressed with the transformational work of powerful and kindhearted people and organisations I have met along the route. Are you aware of or connected to people or groups I should meet? I would love to hear about and share the work they do!